17. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are an excellent source of biotin, along with being exceptionally rich in Vitamin B. Tomatoes energize your body, and bring about a dramatic reduction in your blood sugar levels. A meal comprising of tomatoes is rich in fiber, and it fill you up and satiates your hunger for a very long time.

You can eat tomatoes in lots of delicious ways, bake them with low fat cheese, make a fresh tomato salad, a tomato dressing or a hot tomato sauce to pour over your meat or veggies.

18. Papayas

Papayas have been regarded as remarkable diuretics, and they are packed with antioxidants to the brim. They are also rich in fiber, and the calorie count is extremely low. Even better is the fact that papayas are also rich in phosphorus, calcium, Vitamins A & C and Iron. They help your body fight against cellulite and they trigger a dramatic weight loss when added to one’s daily diet.

See? It is really that easy to lose weight. Just hoard up lots of these foods on your plate, add them to your daily diet and you’ll see the magic that transforms your body and shreds your figure yourself. It’s your healthy food choices, abstinence from trans-fat and preservatives and a good exercise regime that will help you on your journey towards weight loss. Success will come to you each day, as long as you stick to fiber filled foods that fill you up and speed up fat burning.


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