Psychology & Neuroscience

The 10 Best Nootropic Supplements to Boost Brain Power

Nootropics are natural supplements or herbal medicines that tend to exhibit beneficial effects on improving the health and functioning of the brain, amongst both, health individuals and those suffering from brain related ailments.

We have picked out a list of 10 powerful and effective nootropic supplements that aid in enhancing cognitive functioning, alertness, focus, motivation, memory retention, creativity, energy levels and other cognitive process. Many of these nootropic supplements also aid in reducing the impact and severity of age-induced declines in brain functioning, along with elevating the mood disturbances and fatigue associated with depression.

Credit: MedMD

Here, take a look at the 10 best nootropic supplements to enhance the health and functioning of your brain:

1. Resveratrol

Resveratrol is an antioxidant that is naturally present within the skin of dark red and purple fruits, such as blueberries, cranberries, grapes, and raspberries. You can also obtain resveratrol from other sources, such as peanuts, chocolate and red wine.

Experts reveal that consuming resveratrol supplements can aid in shielding the hippocampus against all kinds of damage and deterioration. The hippocampus is an extremely important part of the brain, and it is largely responsible for memory retention and navigation skills.

Research states that resveratrol supplements can be added to the treatment of patients suffering from age-induced decline in brain function to sharpen their brain functioning and slow down the aging process of the brain.


Various animal-based researchers conducted to examine the effects of resveratrol supplements have revealed improvements in brain function and memory-related skills. Moreover, a study attempted to examine the effects of resveratrol amongst a small group healthy senior adults. After administering 200 mg of resveratrol each day for a period of 6 weeks, the participants revealed marked improvements in their memory skills.

However, there is dire need for more human based studies to further understand the effects and benefits associated with the consumption of resveratrol supplements. They seem to improve memory and brain functioning in animals, but experts are still ambiguous about using them on humans. But you can always obtain resveratrol through natural sources, such as grape, dark berries and red wine.

2. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is an extremely popular and widely consumed herbal supplement that is obtained from the Ginkgo biloba tree. For centuries, this herbal supplement has remained famous for its benefits of enhancing brain power and functioning.

Experts believe that Ginkgo biloba works by increasing the blood flow received by the brain, and it also aids in enhancing brain functioning, particularly functions like focus, concentration and memory retention. However, even though this supplement is widely popular and commonly used across the world, various case studies that have examined its effects provided a mixed sequence of results.

Certain studies have discovered that the consumption of ginkgo biloba supplements can aid in lowering age-related decline in brain health and functioning. Another study attempted to examine its effects amongst healthy middle-aged participants. The results revealed that consuming ginkgo biloba supplements aided in enhancing brain functions, and thinking and memory-related skills. However, not all other studies revealed similar benefits and results.

Many medicine practitioners and experts believe that ginkgo biloba supplements are beneficial for enhancing thinking skills, focus and short-term memory retention abilities. Moreover, it may also aid in shielding your brain from age-induced decline in brain functioning. However, again, evidence and results are varied in this regard.

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