8. Flossing is not all that necessary

The Associated Press revealed a mind-boggling study that put down the healthy habit of flossing and labelled it as pointless to one’s oral health. The study analysed 25 studies and did a comparative analysis of flossing and brushing as compared to just brushing. And it revealed that the evidence to support the benefits of dental floss are “weak, very unreliable”.

However, don’t just throw your dental floss right away because dentists all over the globe believe that flossing is vital to remove bacteria and food particles that your toothbrush can’t reach, along with reducing inflammation in your mouth. Dentists strongly recommend flossing regularly, it’s cheap and easy, and it helps you protect your mouth from severe dental problems. If flossing everyday doesn’t seem easy, make a habit of doing at least thrice a week.

9. The prices of EpiPen rocket sky high!

Just as the schools reopened after the summer vacations, Mylan decided to shock the medical industry by an exuberant price hike of its auto-injection device, EpiPen. Since its advent in 2008 when it used to cost a mere $100 for a standard two-pack, EpiPen has undergone a 600% price increase until now, with its current price being a staggering amount of $735. The worst part is, Mylan executives are banking this price increase in this widely used medical instrument with both hands, and the salary of its CEO saw an increase from $2,453,456 in 2007 to $18,931,068 in 2015.

There are many families to have fixed up their own DIY solution for EpiPens, by obtaining a prescription for epinephrine, and using a regular syringe to administer the medication. However, medical practitioners slam down this homemade fix, and despite its being amazingly cheap, it is not an effective cure for an emergency.

However, Mylan did not avoid all this criticism, in fact, it countered it by announcing the release of their cost effective generic EpiPen device that would cost $300 for a standard two-pack. Heather Bresch, the CEO of Mylan, assumed “full responsibility” of the price increase, and countered the allegations by stating the price hike helped achieved countless improvements to make the device more effective in reducing the risks of accidental injury and making it more user friendly.


  1. Lauren, you aee apparently a beautiful lady that has been deprived of a whollotta truth and are just beginning to break out like Truman in the movie – when i saw that movie i felt it was the story of my life so don’t feel lonely, you are just one of the first wave of us spreading the truth that is counterproductive to the desires of the criminally insane criminal world that has been mass murdering the population here for over a century at least – PLEASE SEEK OUT ERIN ELIZABETH PUBLISHER OF THE HEALTHNUT NEWS AND STUDY WHAT SHE AND HER FRIENDS (THE BEST OF DOCTORS, LAWYERS, AND VICTIMS) HAVE TO TELL US ABOUT UNDERWORLD ACTIVITY PROVING WHAT I SAID AND SO MUCH MORE THAT I FEEL LIKE JOHN THE BAPTIST IN THE WILDERNESS WHEN JESUS CAME TO HIM FOR BAPTISM.

  2. JUST MADE THE MOST IMPORTANT POST OF MY LIFE HERE AND THE HOST WILL NOT POST IT. Look up Erin Elizabeth and her Healthnut News and related friends about the healthkill industry and related underworld activity.

  3. People must protest the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Everyone call your congressmen. We need the help to afford medical care. I pay $38.00 a month for my insurance premium of the $248.00 charged by Ins. Co.


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