4. Butter is not bad for your heart

As long as we can remember, heart patients have been advised to avoid butter, as it contains a powerful profile of saturated fats. Butter is categorized amongst the foods that raise the bad cholesterol levels and expose you to the risk of developing a heart disease. On the other hand, foods packed with monounsaturated fats, like nuts, olive oil and avocados, are considered healthy for your heart.

However, a recent study published by PLOS ONE has really challenged the belief that butter is bad for your heart. The study took into account the eating habits of over 600,000 people and concluded that eating butter does not increase your risk of developing a heart disease. The study spread waves of happiness across butter lovers on social media, but before you start drenching your bread with butter, allow us to inform you of another research that disagrees with this notion.

The BMJ published a study in November that stated reducing saturated fatty acids by as low as 1% and replacing them with healthier options like nuts, seeds and vegetable oils, can lower your risk for heart disease by 8%.

5. Homeopathic teething tablets turn out to a horrid hoax

There are countless parents who consider homeopathic teething gels and tablets a healthy solution to soothe down their agonized toddlers who are teething. However, tablets with an herb called belladonna, which are available at Hyland’s, CVS and countless other websites, have come under serious criticism.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued an official warning in October against these homeopathic teething tablets, particularly the ones sold by Hyland’s. Belladonna can be extremely harmful when consumed in such huge doses, and the FDA is carrying out an investigation on the babies who experienced severe seizures upon consuming the tablets containing this herb.


  1. Lauren, you aee apparently a beautiful lady that has been deprived of a whollotta truth and are just beginning to break out like Truman in the movie – when i saw that movie i felt it was the story of my life so don’t feel lonely, you are just one of the first wave of us spreading the truth that is counterproductive to the desires of the criminally insane criminal world that has been mass murdering the population here for over a century at least – PLEASE SEEK OUT ERIN ELIZABETH PUBLISHER OF THE HEALTHNUT NEWS AND STUDY WHAT SHE AND HER FRIENDS (THE BEST OF DOCTORS, LAWYERS, AND VICTIMS) HAVE TO TELL US ABOUT UNDERWORLD ACTIVITY PROVING WHAT I SAID AND SO MUCH MORE THAT I FEEL LIKE JOHN THE BAPTIST IN THE WILDERNESS WHEN JESUS CAME TO HIM FOR BAPTISM.

  2. JUST MADE THE MOST IMPORTANT POST OF MY LIFE HERE AND THE HOST WILL NOT POST IT. Look up Erin Elizabeth and her Healthnut News and related friends about the healthkill industry and related underworld activity.

  3. People must protest the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Everyone call your congressmen. We need the help to afford medical care. I pay $38.00 a month for my insurance premium of the $248.00 charged by Ins. Co.


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