2. Morning Energizer

For starting your day this juice is essential for anyone. The spinach, kale and carrots offer triple benefits which include health growth of cells, immune system and good eye vision.

In carrots, beta-carotene is found which is best for lowering the hazard of cancer and heart disease. The spinach and kale provide properties of preventing cancer. Here is the recipe of morning energizer.


  • Halved, large carrots : 4
  • Spinach : 1 cup
  • Halved, lemon : 1
  • Stalks of kale : 4
  • Halved Cucumber : 1


Wash and prepare all fruits and veggies.

Take the juicer and add leafy vegetables kale and spinach in it.

Then add cucumber and carrots to it and blend well. In the end, add lemon juice and completely mix all for 2 minutes.


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