3. You have an Iron Deficiency

Iron is a highly essential mineral that is responsible for aiding the red blood cells in providing oxygen to all the tissues within your body. When the body is suffering from an iron deficiency, the effects can be experienced in every single joint and muscle. You feel immensely sluggish, and fatigued, and your skin tends to turn a yellowish shade. The whole body feels immensely weak and brittle, your nails turn easily breakable, you experience severe hair fall, and you always find yourself complaining of headaches.

All you need to find out your iron levels is a small little blood test, but in the instance that the results reveal you as an anemic, you must get an appointment with a GI specialist at once.

Anemia that is caused by an iron deficiency doesn’t take long to turn into a chronic illness, which can exaggerate in to severe ailments like unseen loss of blood through the GI tract, stomach cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcers, colon cancer or angiodysplasia, which is basically a disease that impairs the blood vessels.

4. Horridly Smelly Farts

Research reveals that a normal and healthy person passes nearly 2 liters of gas on a daily basis, hence, there’s nothing wrong with flatulence, as long as it doesn’t accompany any harsh symptoms. If you’re experiencing changes in your bowel movements, rapid weight loss for no reason, and severe abdominal pain along with horridly smelly farts, you have something to be worry about.

In certain severe cases, a parasite known as giardia tends to infects the intestine and create an unusually horrid odor, and you must get yourself properly examined in order to identify the accurate cause and diagnosis.


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