12. Quinoa & Chickpeas Soup

Quinoa is one of the healthiest vegies and is widely considered a superfood because of its low fat content, and powerful nutrient profile. This chickpea and quinoa soup is a delicious and thick stew that carries all the goodness of quinoa, a food that is far more nourishing than grains.

This soup recipe is perfect for brimming your body with fiber and plant-based proteins. If you want to make it a tad bit spicy, toss in some jalapeno after removing the excessively spice parts. You also need to add some ginger, tomatoes and butternut squash to enhance the taste and made this veggie delight amazingly delicious. These taste-enhancing veggies will also help flush out all the toxins and give your body a deep cleanse.

13. Greens & Beans Soup

Most people tend to believe that it is only veggies and fruits that work to detoxify the body, but in fact, beans have a highly powerful detox profile and they also pack in heaps of fiber that enhances the digestion process. However, you must cook them with great care, and be extremely mindful about your portion sizes.

You can pick out any beans that you can easily find for this recipe, but we strongly recommend you to use cannellini beans, along with your favorite green veggies. The beans will form the base of your soup, and all the other ingredients will blend in to enhance the subtle taste of the beans, creating a rich texture.

14. Creamy Green Soup

This aromatic and scintillating creamy soup requires no cream whatsoever, and it is the first soup that blends in heaps of green veggies, like iron-rich spinach, potassium-rich avocado and super-hydrating cucumber, and creates a thick creamy texture. These three veggies are dense with nutrients and healthy fats, which makes this soup a powerful and wholesome blend brimming with energy and cleansing agents.

You can enhance the taste and accelerate the detoxifying profile of this soup by adding in some spices, such as lemon juice, chili powder and black pepper. The taste is surprisingly delicious, and this recipe is hands down the best trick to enrich your family with the healthy goodness of these three essential green veggies.


  1. Today you make my day.I like what I’ve seen from all healthy foods you have shown me. I’ll follow every step to help me,family,friends and others with these amazing detox ingredients.Thank you very much for your Great Work.

  2. Thank You, Lauren Winsett;
    For allowing yourself to care enough for peoples’ well being. I have been looking for detoxing and how to eat right. I have parkinsons’ and I have been taking alot of medications since 1998. I am tired of smelling like a pharmacy. These Meds have taken away alot of my energy and my happiness. I ended up on your articles of detox with soup, eat these super foods. by mistake. Thank you again for your information and your time. May GOD and Our Lord Jesus Christ bless you with LOVE & PEACE.


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