3. Leek & Radish Soup

Most people fail to regard the wondrous health benefits of radishes and keep them for no other use apart from salads and side dishes, but the truth is that radish happens to be one of the most nutritious veggies. Research reveals that radishes act as powerful blood purifiers and they are also considered as one of the best foods to fight against cancer.

This recipe allows you to enrich your body with all the nutritious goodness of radish as it is the star ingredient of this soup. Leeks further enhance the nutrition profile, and you also toss in potatoes, which will give this soup a rich creamy texture and a thick consistency. Feel free to toss in some sea kelp to enhance the taste, and make sure you don’t toss in lots of radishes because it’s best to keep their taste subtle and subdued.

4. Sweet Potato, Kale & Lentil Soup

This delicious stew combines three incredibly powerful superfoods to create a mighty detox blend that will work wonders at improving the health of your key body organs, primary your digestive system and energy levels.

For instance, lentils are brimming with fiber and they will help in aiding and enhancing the movements of your digestive system, while Kale is the star ingredient brimming with strong cleansing agents. Sweet potatoes take the nutrient quotient to a whole new level of extraordinary by enriching your body with a mighty dose of fiber and several other nutrients.

The taste of this tantalizing delight will play with your taste buds and leave you craving for more because it’s a much better and tastier alternative to those expensive restaurant-prepared soups.

5. Mixed Veggies Soup

Kale is an extremely powerful and nutrient-rich ingredient that serves as the star of any detox recipe. But this amazingly scintillating soup provides you a delicious blend of several veggies, such as celery, tomatoes, leeks and carrots to brim up your body with heaps of minerals, vitamins and detoxifying agents. You also need to toss in some cracked black pepper and lemon juice to enhance both, the taste and the cleansing profile.


  1. Today you make my day.I like what I’ve seen from all healthy foods you have shown me. I’ll follow every step to help me,family,friends and others with these amazing detox ingredients.Thank you very much for your Great Work.

  2. Thank You, Lauren Winsett;
    For allowing yourself to care enough for peoples’ well being. I have been looking for detoxing and how to eat right. I have parkinsons’ and I have been taking alot of medications since 1998. I am tired of smelling like a pharmacy. These Meds have taken away alot of my energy and my happiness. I ended up on your articles of detox with soup, eat these super foods. by mistake. Thank you again for your information and your time. May GOD and Our Lord Jesus Christ bless you with LOVE & PEACE.


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