13. Lavender & Chamomile Tea

Chamomile and lavender tea is a powerful brew to eliminate all symptoms of tiredness, depression and fatigue, as it works to cut down all the stress that your body experiences due to insomnia. Furthermore, when the stress levels of your body are eliminated, it aids the body in prevent and cutting down all symptoms of inflammation, which are directly linked to blood sugar disorders, primarily diabetes and obesity, along with rapid weight gain or bloating.

A recent study revealed that chamomile tea is amazingly effective at relieving all the physical symptoms associated with insomnia or sleep disorders. Furthermore, it helps chronically sleep-deprived patients in cutting down their stress and depression levels.

There are several other researches to validate the claim that chamomile tea allows individuals to experience alert wakefulness and activeness throughout the day despite having slept sufficiently through the night.

Even though there’s very little evidence to support the claim that chamomile tea actually enhances the quality or duration of sleep, it continues to remain one of the most popular tea brews to enjoy at bedtime.

14. Goji Tea

Research reveals that a hot cup of goji tea can speed up the calorie burning process by 10%, along with enriching your body with countless other health benefits. Gojis are harvested from the plant family of lyceum barbarum, which is basically one of the oldest traditional Asian medicinal herbs to treat diabetic conditions, along with speeding up the metabolism to slim down the figure.

A recent study examined the effect of L. barbarum administered to participants right after consuming their meals, and the results revealed that these participants began burning calories at 10% faster rate as opposed to those who weren’t administered this herb. Furthermore, these calorie-burning effects tend to last for over four hours, and if you mix goji tea with your regular green tea brew, you can really enhance its weight-loss benefits.


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