12. Brownie Batter Protein Smoothie

For making a protein enriched dessert, you will need frozen banana, cocoa powder, vanilla, espresso powder, Greek yogurt, milk chocolate protein powder and unsweetened almond milk. Your kids will love to consume it due to its chocolate flavor.

13. Banana Pumpkin Spice Smoothie

This smoothie is made by using different spices such as pumpkin pie and cinnamon. You also need to add a little brown sugar it. Pumpkin and banana are its two key ingredients. This smoothie will provide you sodium, vitamin A & C, iron, protein and sodium.

14. Green Monster Smoothie

All the essential vital ingredients are included in this smoothie. You will need chia seeds, banana, spinach and vanilla for making this green monster smoothie. It will make your digestion easy and will also remove nasty toxins.


  1. It’ll be even better if every suggestion is followed up by a quick, concise and easy-to-follow recipe directly after the photos instead of searching everywhere for it.


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