15. Tuna

Cure for: A bad mood

Research validates the popular belief that tuna is a great mood up-lifter that can really turn around a bad day into a good one. A study revealed that a meal containing of 3 ounces of white tuna contains around 800mg of omega-3 fatty acids, which basically help in driving away feelings of anxiety, fear, or any other kinds of blues that are giving you a bad mood.

Psychologists have provided that omega-3s found in fatty fish are one of the best remedies for naturally curing depression, and elevating the mood. You can also fix yourself with a small tuna bagel or sandwich, or you can create an entire tuna meal to enrich your body with 37g of carbs and heaps of omega-3 and really boost up the mood-elevating serotonin in your brain.

16. Turkey

Cure for: Sleepless nights

Turkey is one of the most effective natural remedies for insomnia or sleeplessness. Research reveals that 3 ounces of turkey contain the entire quantity of an essential amino acid needed by the body, tryptophan, which aids the body in the production of sleeping regulating hormones called melatonin and serotonin.

There are several medical studies that have examined the effects of insomnia and sleep deprivation amongst individuals that have a tryptophan deficiency.


  1. I’m very grateful to you for all these health tips and really helping to get use to some foods I don’t like or so familiar with, all because I want I want my body to in good health and healthy as well. Thank you once again and keep up the good work may God richly bless you more!!!

  2. What do you eat when you want to be healthy and eat all those very tasteful foods but you’re a diabetic? And you forgot to mention a natural cure for diabetes.

  3. Potatoes, full of fat?! I don’t think so unless you are talking about the deep fried snack variety otherwise they contain no fat at all…


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